When my daughter was four, and were going to get her own room, she wanted every thing to be pink. The walls, the sofa bed and the blinds. Now, when she is eleven, pink is not so cool anymore, and we needed to redecorate her room. This time, the colours are white, black, turquoise and other shades of blue. Much more suitable for a young lady.
She bought some lovely checked pillows in different tones of blue for her new room. She loved this pattern so much that she asked me to make her some new blinds in the same pattern. So I did.
I used the old blinds as background, making the new blinds very thick and preserving the mechanism for folding the curtain up during the day. It worked like a charm. But best of all, my daughter was pleased.
Here is a picture of her old and very pink room.
I like the newer look of the room better. I don't know about this young girls always obsessed about pink. I'm glad she grew out of it.